$4B Accessories & Ready-to-Wear Brand Boosts Wholesale Sell-In with VibeIQ

key takeaways

  • Accelerated Wholesale Growth: Helped drive estimated $180M increase in wholesale revenue from 2023 to 2024.
  • Improved Buyer Engagement: Personalized store- or region-specific assortments with a few button clicks
  • Streamlined Processes: Faster sell-in cycles and higher acceptance rates from key retail partners

Challenges with Wholesale Sell-In

With 90% of sales driven through wholesale, this leading accessories and ready-to-wear brand depended heavily on compelling sell-in presentations to retail buyers. However, they faced significant hurdles:

  • Manual, Static Tools
    • Using PowerPoint decks and spreadsheets caused delayed updates, missed opportunities, and inconsistent storytelling.
  • Limited Visibility Across Stores
    • Presentations had to be customized store by store—an inefficient process often leading to outdated snapshots.
  • Missed Opportunities
    • Retail buyers lacked real-time product visuals, risking lower sell-through and slowing key assortment decisions.

Solution with VibeIQ

Seeking a dynamic, efficient way to engage buyers, the brand adopted VibeIQ—starting with the Sell-In use case to create a more robust and flexible experience for the sales team to display and present the full assortment, visually.

  • Real-Time Product Data & Visuals
    • Unified Platform: Consolidated product information from multiple systems into one source of truth
    • Instant Updates: Eliminated manual reformatting, ensuring buyers see the latest product line-up
  • Enhanced Buyer Engagement
    • Interactive Store-Specific Assortments: Personalize presentations for each retailer or region in just a few clicks
    • Consistent Storytelling: Maintain a cohesive brand narrative, giving retail partners a clear view of each collection
  • Operational Efficiency
    • Streamlined Workflows: Freed teams from repetitive tasks, allowing more time to nurture buyer relationships
    • Faster Sell-In Cycles: Reduced back-and-forth, boosting acceptance rates and enabling strategic collaborations

Results Seen with VibeIQ

  • Estimated $180M Wholesale Revenue Growth
    • By aligning the right assortment for the right retail partner and improving how they present to retail partners, the brand has seen significant increases in wholesale revenue.
  • Higher Acceptance Rates
    • Real-time data and interactive presentations led to stronger buyer engagement, speeding up decision-making.
  • Consistent Brand Story
    • Dynamic updates and shared visuals allowed for a unified message across all partners, enhancing consumer confidence at the store level.

Looking Ahead with VibeIQ

Building on their success with VibeIQ Sell-In, the brand is exploring:

  • Deeper Personalization: Further tailoring assortments and product storytelling for each buyer group
  • Expansion: Using fast sell-in cycles to open new markets and reinforce existing partnerships

See VibeIQ in Action

Ready to transform how you present products to your retail partners? Request a Demo to see how VibeIQ Sell-In can boost your wholesale revenue and streamline your buyer presentations.

Or want to discuss your unique challenges? Let’s chat about how we can tailor VibeIQ to your specific needs. Empower your B2B sales team with real-time data and interactive tools for a new era of wholesale success.

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